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Police Academy \Vasile Lascăr\ is located in Câmpina, Romania on Bulevardul Carol I 145. Police Academy \Vasile Lascăr\ is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Romania.
Best school in the country
(Translated by Google) Don't you dare to come to this school with health problems or have the misfortune to have certain health problems during school, you will be treated in the last resort, as if you were guilty of things that cannot be controlled. The doctor who takes care of the students in this school is nothing! A man without a bit of common sense. Be very careful not to get infected with any disease in the bathrooms of this school that are miserable. I'm sorry I didn't sue the school for a problem while I was there. Some teachers are good people, but others are frustrated, so-called cops. (Original) Sa nu cumva sa indrazniti sa veniti cu probleme de sanatate in aceasta scoala sau sa aveti ghinionul sa va apara anumite probleme de sanatate pe parcursul scolarizarii, o sa fiti tratat in ultimul hal, de parca ati fi vinovati de lucruri care nu se pot controla. Doctorul care se ocupa de elevii din aceasta scoala este un nimic! Un om fara pic de bun-simt. Aveti mare grija de voi sa nu va infectati cu vreo boala de la baile din scoala asta care sunt mizere. Imi pare rau ca nu am dat in judecata scoala pentru o problema aparuta in timpul cat am fost acolo. Unii profesori sunt oameni buni, dar altii sunt niste frustrati, asa-zisi politisti.
(Translated by Google) School of police agents, active for 50 years. (Original) Scoala de agenti de politie, activa de 50 de ani.
(Translated by Google) And the job of a policeman is still a job and like any job you have to learn it. One of the few places in the country where you can learn this trade is this school of police officers. Looks like we'll need more cops and better prepared so give it a try. (Original) Si meseria de polițist este totusi o meserie și ca orice meserie trebuie să o înveți. Unul din putinele locuri din tara unde se poate învăța aceasta meserie este această școală de agenti de politie. Se pare ca vom avea nevoie de mai mulți polițiști și mai bine pregătiți asa ca încercați.
(Translated by Google) Here is Romania, the blue of corruption ... How do you, the law enforcement agency, act? (Original) Iată Romania e albăstrița de coruptie... Cum acționați voi,organul de ordine?
(Translated by Google) I went to the exam with the boy, super organized in terms of guidance to the parking lot, entrance to the exam, etc. Well done !! (Original) Am fost la examen cu băiatul, super organizați în privința indrumarii către parcare,intrare la examen,etc.Bravo lor!!
(Translated by Google) The location is for military personnel only and provides services for MIA Members. (Original) Locația este numai pentru personal militar și oferă servicii pentru Membrii MAI.
(Translated by Google) Future police officers have favorable conditions for training. (Original) Viitorii polițiști beneficiază de condiții propice pentru pregătire.
Police Academy \Vasile Lascăr\
+40 244336251
Bulevardul Carol I 145105600Romania
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